Past Events


Kadanoff Seminar - The role of scale in deep neural networks, Ethan Dyer, Google

2:30 pm VIA ZOOM

The role of scale in deep neural networks

May 17

Particle Theory Seminar - Beyond Lorentz's Lamp-post: Amplitude Techniques for Cosmology, Scott Melville, Cambridge

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

Beyond Lorentz’s Lamp-post: Amplitude Techniques for Cosmology

May 12
May 5

Kadanoff Seminar - Quantum Simulations for High Energy Physics, Henry Lamm, Fermilab

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

Quantum Simulations for High Energy Physics, Henry Lamm, Fermilab

Apr 19

Kadanoff Seminar - Large N theory of critical Fermi surfaces, Ilya Esterlis, Harvard University

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

Large N theory of critical Fermi surfaces, Ilya Esterlis, Harvard University

Apr 12

Paricle Theory Seminar - The Gravitino Swampland Conjecture, Evan McDonough, UChicago

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

The Gravitino Swampland Conjecture, Evan McDonough, UChicago

Apr 7

Particle Theory Seminar -Baryogenesis via gauge field production from a relaxing Higgs, Benedict von Harling, IFAE Barcelona

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

Baryogenesis via gauge field production from a relaxing Higgs, Benedict von Harling, IFAE Barcelona

Mar 31