Particle Theory Seminar - Understanding QCD phase structure through functional QCD method, Fei Gao, University of Heidelberg
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Understanding QCD phase structure through functional QCD method
Kadanoff Seminar - Swampland Conditions from CFT, Sandipan Kundu, Johns Hopkins University
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Swampland Conditions from CFT
Particle Theory Seminar - Marginal operators and the Euler density anomaly, Chris-Herzog, King College
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Marginal operators and the Euler density anomaly
Kadanoff Seminar - Wormholes and Unitarity of Black Hole Evolution Process., Zhenbin Yang, Stanford University
1:30 pm
Wormholes and Unitarity of Black Hole Evolution Process.
Particle Theory Seminar - The catapult phase of deep learning, Guy Gur-Ari, Google
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
The catapult phase of deep learning.
Kadanoff Seminar - The role of scale in deep neural networks, Ethan Dyer, Google
2:30 pm VIA ZOOM
The role of scale in deep neural networks
Particle Theory Seminar - Beyond Lorentz's Lamp-post: Amplitude Techniques for Cosmology, Scott Melville, Cambridge
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Beyond Lorentz’s Lamp-post: Amplitude Techniques for Cosmology
Kadanoff Seminar - Effective field theories for quantum chaos, Mark Mezei, Stony Brook
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Particle Theory Seminar - Navigating the Web of Swampland Conjectures, Irene Valenzuela, Harvard
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Navigating the Web of Swampland Conjectures