Particle Theory Seminar: Magic Zeroes and Hidden Symmetries - Zhengkang Zhang, UC Santa Barbara
1:30 pm MCP 201
Magic Zeroes and Hidden Symmetries.
Kadanoff Seminar: Probing Sign Structure using Measurement-induced Entanglement. - Tim Hsieh, Perimeter
1:30 pm VIA ZOOM
Probing Sign Structure using Measurement-induced Entanglement.
Particle Theory Seminar: Maximizing Direct Detection with HYPER Dark Matter - Robert McGehee, University of Michigan
1:30 pm MCP 201
Maximizing Direct Detection with HYPER Dark Matter.
Kadanoff Seminar: String correlators on AdS3. - Andrea Dei, Harvard
1:30 pm MCP 201
String correlators on AdS3.
Special Kadanoff Seminar: Bilayer photonic crystals: Weyl points and Moire flat-bands - Dung Xuan Nguyen, Brown University
1:30–2:30 pm MCP 201
Bilayer photonic crystals: Weyl points and Moire flat-bands
Kadanoff Seminar: Large-order summation of connected Feynman diagrams for strongly correlated fermions. - Felix Werner, École Normale Supérieur, Paris
1:30 pm MCP 215
Large-order summation of connected Feynman diagrams for strongly correlated fermions.
Kadanoff Seminar: Entanglement bootstrap program. - Isaac Kim, UC Davis
1:30 pm MCP 201
Entanglement bootstrap program.
Kadanoff Seminar: Bifurcation theory of RG flows - Fedor Popov, NYU
1:30 pm MCP 201
Bifurcation theory of RG flows.
Particle Theory Seminar - No Ensemble Averaging Below the Black Hole Threshold. - Edward Witten, IAS
1:30 pm VIA Zoom
No Ensemble Averaging Below the Black Hole Threshold.
Kadanoff Seminar - Harnessing S-duality in N=4 SYM and in gravity. - Scott Collier, Princeton University
1:30 pm MCP 201
Harnessing S-duality in N=4 SYM and in gravity.