Postdoctoral Applicants
Prospective postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to apply for a Kadanoff Postdoctoral Fellowship. Information about the Fellowship is posted on AJO usually in the October/November time-frame. When a search is active, a link will be posted here to the AJO listing. Update 10/09/2024: the search is currently active, please see this link.
High-energy theory and gravitational theory applicants are also encouraged to apply for an Enrico-Fermi Fellowship and an Oehme Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. Information on these fellowships can be found here.
There are also a number of partner institutions and departments where a joint position in quantum information, broadly defined, or another area of interdisciplinary research might be possible. The Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, the mathematics and computer science departments at the University of Chicago and the theory group at Fermilab are potential partners. Applicants specifically interested in quantum information should also consider applying for an IBM Postdoctoral position offered by the Chicago Quantum Exchange.
Applicants with a specific interest in applying artificial intelligence to the natural sciences should also apply for an Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Lastly European applicants might also consider a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship with information available here. Japanese researchers might consider an Overseas Research Fellowship or a Research Fellowship for Young Scientists. If pursuing one of these options, please contact the Director for more information.
Graduate Students
Prospective graduate students should apply to the Ph.D. program in the physics department. We encourage prospective and current students to explore available fellowships for graduate study. Information can be found here.