Kadanoff Seminar:  A bootstrap approach to the interacting Landau level problem. - Eslam Khalaf, Harvard University

1:30 pm MCP 201

A bootstrap approach to the interacting Landau level problem.

The bootstrap method aims to solve problems by imposing constraints on the space of physical observables, which often follow from physical assumptions such as positivity and symmetry. Here, we employ a bootstrap approach to study interacting electrons in the lowest Landau level by minimizing the energy as a function of the static structure factor subject to a set of constraints, bypassing the need to construct the full many-body wavefunction. This approach rigorously lower bounds the ground state energy, making it complementary to conventional variational upper bounds. We show that the lower bound we obtain is relatively tight, within at most 5\% from the ground state energy computed with exact diagonalization (ED) at small system sizes, and generally gets tighter as we include more constraints. In addition to energetics, our results reproduce the correct power law dependence of the pair correlation function at short distances and the existence of a large entanglement gap in the two-particle entanglement spectra for the Laughlin states at $\nu = 1/3$. We further identify signatures of the composite Fermi liquid state close to half-filling. This shows that the bootstrap approach is capable, in principle, of describing non-trivial gapped topologically ordered, as well as gapless, phases. At the end, we will discuss possible extensions and limitations of this approach. Our work establishes numerical bootstrap as a promising method to study many-body phases in topological bands, paving the way to its application in moir\'e platforms where the energetic competition between fractional quantum anomalous Hall, symmetry broken, and gapless states remains poorly understood.

Event Type


Feb 3