Special Kadanoff Lunch Seminar: Long-range entangled quantum matter: realization and characterization. - Tsung-Cheng (Peter) Lu, Perimeter Institute

12:00 pm MCP 201

Long-range entangled quantum matter: realization and characterization.

Long-range entangled quantum matter encompasses various exotic quantum orders and critical phenomena. In this talk, I will discuss novel adaptive protocols that can efficiently prepare long-range entangled states by leveraging measurements and unitary operations conditioned on the measurement outcomes. As an application, critical states and non-abelian topological orders can be prepared deterministically in time/depth scaling logarithmically with system size. I will also discuss a unified framework for designing adaptive protocols that implement non-local transformations to realize long-range entangled mixed states, where quantum order/criticality coexists with extensive classical fluctuations. Finally, I will discuss how to diagnose long-range entanglement in open quantum systems, and discuss the insights into self-correcting quantum memory and decoding transitions of quantum error-correcting codes.

Event Type


Dec 6