Kadanoff Seminar: How a quantum system self-organizes far from equilibrium. - Thimo Preis, University of Heidelberg

1:30 pm MCP 201

How a quantum system self-organizes far from equilibrium.

The emergence of collective behavior from the underlying quantum dynamics is a central guiding principle in our understanding of how quantum many-body systems thermalize. In this talk I will discuss from first principles how self-organized universal scaling emerges in a strongly-correlated quantum system far from equilibrium. The associated nonthermal attractor behavior presents an important mechanism of how quantum many-body systems lose sensitivity to their far-from-equilibrium initial conditions towards thermalization and arises in a wide variety of systems across different energy scales, from early universe cosmology and relativistic nuclear collisions to ultracold quantum gas experiments. Based on 2209.14883 and 2307.07545.

Event Type


Sep 26