Kadanoff Seminar - Microscopic expansion for superconformal indices. - Ji Hoon Lee, Perimeter Institute

1:30 pm 3rd Floor Atrium

Microscopic expansion for superconformal indices.

A central question in AdS/CFT is how the degrees of freedom of string theory are organized in the dual gauge theory. In my talk, I present an exact formula that relates the BPS sectors of U(N) gauge theories and their string duals. The formula expresses the finite N superconformal index of a U(N) gauge theory as a sum over stacks of "giant graviton" branes in the dual string theory. I explain how to holographically construct the indices of bulk string/brane configurations by analyzing the modifications of determinant operators in gauge theory. Finally, I discuss its implications for black holes and the bulk BPS Hilbert space. Based on 2109.02545 and 2204.09286.

Event Type


Oct 17