Kadanoff Seminar - Out-of-equilibrium physics in 1D quantum integrable models - Etienne Granet, UChicago

1:30 pm VIA ZOOM

Out-of-equilibrium physics in 1D quantum integrable models.

One-dimensional integrable models are rare examples where many-body quantum physics can be studied exactly. They moreover display a rich phenomenology and some find realizations in cold-atom experiments. The current frontier in these models is the computation of out-of-equilibrium dynamics, for which I will present contributions in two different settings. The first setting consists in driving the system out-of-equilibrium through a variation of external fields. I will present results on the exact time evolution of observables in the XY spin chain in the thermodynamic limit. In the second setting the system is initialized in an inhomogeneous, arbitrary state. In this case under certain conditions it displays a hydrodynamic behaviour that I will explain and illustrate in the Lieb-Liniger model.

Event Type


Jan 31