Theory Seminar - D-instantons and the Non-perturbative Dual of c=1 String Theory, Bruno Balthazar, Harvard University

1:30 pm Via zoom

D-instantons and the Non-perturbative Dual of c=1 String Theory
Bruno Balthazar, Harvard University

We formulate a prescription for computing all non-perturbative corrections of closed string scattering amplitudes in c=1 string theory from the worldsheet description. This requires computing disconnected worldsheet diagrams with D-instanton boundary conditions, as well as including a non-trivial measure in the D-instanton moduli space. Beyond the leading non-perturbative order, logarithmic divergences are canceled between worldsheet diagrams of different topologies, due to the Fischler-Susskind-Polchinski mechanism. These results allow us to propose the exact non-perturbative matrix model dual of c=1 string theory. 

Event Type


Apr 15